What if you could learn a system of hands-on energy healing that all other healing modalities emulate? Barbara Brennan Healing Science is an enlightening system of energy work that combines hands-on healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes that touch every aspect of our lives.
Barbara is a pioneer. She was the first one to scientifically outline all the energy dimensions, levels of the field and chakra system that Healing and Therapeutic Touch follow. I invite you to come join us to learn the Fundamentals of Brennan Healing Science September 17-19 in Boulder. As an added bonus, register now and you’ll receive $50 off.
Whether you are new to energy or not, this is an invaluable workshop and a sacred weekend. You will learn the skills taught in the first year of the Brennan School, as well as an enlightening system of energy work and spiritual psychological processes. You will experience the living dynamics of our human energy consciousness system and, best of all, learn about yourself and your relationship in the world.
Based on the living dynamics of our human energy consciousness system and its relationship to the greater world of which we all are intimately a part, Brennan Healing Science can help transform your life into the balanced, enlightening experience of mystery that you’ve always wanted it to be. The lecture and workshop are designed to give you a thorough and experiential introduction to the transformative work of Brennan Healing Science.
The special weekend begins on Friday, September 17, with an evening lecture (7 pm to 9 pm) on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Energy Field. Workshops will follow on Saturday, from 10 am to 5 pm, and Sunday, from 10 am to 1 pm. The workshops will include lectures, healing demonstrations, guided exercises and meditations, hands-on healing techniques, practice healings and self-healing exercises.
Join us and you will be introduced to your ability to give hands-on healing to others. You will also start to open your latent ability to perceive the human energy field. This is a rare opportunity to step into an expanded view of life, where we see that we are more than just our physical bodies.
Always remember, we are beings of energy and consciousness! These teachings on human energy and consciousness, health, healing and self-awareness, are at the cutting edge of human development. So come experience Brennan Healing and you will return to your life renewed, open-hearted and transformed!
Register now to receive a special $50 discount, or call me at 720-530-7621 for more information. I look forward to seeing you next weekend!