Martyn Church blessed us with his wisdom about sound healing, intention, and hearing the bowls change as they play on the body. He also shared a little about his experiences with the Apsáalooke (Crow) in Montana and how his lessons can help you.
Martyn is a certified sound healing practitioner from the Atma Buti® Sound & Vibrational School in Colorado. He lives in Boulder, CO and is the founder of Vibrations for Living, through which he provides healing sessions, sound concerts, and group experiences including hiking with sound, meditation and ceremony. Once given only a short time to live, Martyn overcame a debilitating illness and prevailed to become a world traveler, outdoorsman and extreme sportsman. He spent many of his formative years kayaking white water rivers, climbing rockfaces and hiking mountains, rooting within him a reverence for and connection to the power of the natural world. Martyn’s inward adventure began with a chance, intimate and heart opening interaction with Sri Sri Ravi Shanker, humanitarian, spiritual leader and international ambassador of peace. Martyn’s spiritual path, in addition to his training in Sound Healing, has led him to study Native American culture and spiritual practices, which he is now integrating into his healing work. Martyn’s unique life experiences have always been about gaining and sharing knowledge. He now does this through storytelling, adventure sharing and spiritual practices. His passion for life, people and relationships is at the core of everything he does. You can contact Martyn if you want to schedule a session or if you have questions or need more information at: 7205269227 vibrationsforliving@gmail