It is my 50th Birthday and I am glad! Why, because each year I get to show up more for myself. Each year I am wiser and more anchored into my Core Being, wholeness. Even so, every time I show up more in my life, I notice how absent I have been. And what is the reason for the absence? For me, usually it is lack of confidence, self-care and boundaries. The following video Mind Energy Body (Me-B Transformation meditation will show you how you can show up more in your life. Remember change happens in the moment. Not just one moment, but each moment. Step 1 of the Meditation is to assess in which situations you lose yourself. Oftentimes we lose ourselves when we are in relationship with someone or something else that creates stress. For me, it is usually when I am being falsely judged by an authority figure. Nothing triggers me more these days than the inaccurate attack by an authority figure.
My usual defense in this type of situation is to try to please the other person-mistakenly thinking that by doing so, then they will see me accurately. So I become this sweet young me trying to please “daddy” to love me for who I am. Ironically, the only way people will see us for who we really are is if we are anchored into us, not our regressed or defensive child. And even then there are no guarantees. So take a moment now to (1) assess what triggers you to lose yourself and then (2) familiarize yourself with your unhealthy defense. For instance do you go outside yourself and try to please them, do you become numb and shut off feelings and/or do you create a shell of protection around you and stuff your anger? Now watch the Mind Energy Body Transformation Meditation Practice and reclaim yourself! A longer version can be found on my facebook page.
Let me know how this helps you in your life and share it with others. Also, feel free to contact me if you want a printed copy of the meditation. Love and blessings,