Embody the Power of the Blood Moon Energies

moon eclipseCome learn how to Embody the Power of the Recent Blood Moon Event.

It brings unique opportunities for you to deepen into your gifts and talents, as you learn how.  (Also see below an opportunity to attend a special training so you can overcome the blocks in your way and get the “Easy Button For Life.”)



Embody the Power of the Blood Moon!

There Are Powerful Spiritual and Energetic Tools That can help you overcome those insecure, confusing times. Discover what it takes to get the “Easy Button” on life and live from your giving heart and aligned power. If you are kind, generous and giving and find you become overwhelmed by the challenges of life, then come discover the way out! If you sign up before October 20th, you can attend for only $75.
Come Nov. 7-8. Details and registration: Click link and/or Call/Text/Email 720-530-7621. Ask about the Early Registration Discount. Register here: http://mindenergybody.org/work-with-carolyn/personal-transformation-programs/