Anxiety Sucks – Tips to Transform It!

Check out this video that can give you a deeper understanding of why anxiety is so difficult to shake. And, I invite you to come to our October 6-7 retreat where you will receive empowered support. It is discounted at only $97 so sign up soon! It will teach you how to hit the easy button on life and foster deep healing of your nervous system’s reactive triggers, healing your false self and so much more! Details and registration click here!


For instance, anxiety activates your nervous system to respond as if there is a tiger in the room. It triggers a strong limbic (mid-brain) reaction. If you were still a caveman, you would respond by fighting the tiger. However, in this modern society, your higher brain stops your normal response system because it doesn’t see the predator. As a result, all that stored energy has no place to go so it just recycles in your body. If it does this too much, you could develop a panic attack, digestive issues, a lower immune system, chronic illness, and a racing heart.


As the video above shows, you must have a lot of high vibrational consciousness to shift something like anxiety because it arouses your nervous system in such a profound manner. Fear and anxiety are two of the most difficult emotions to transform for exactly this reason. Read the tips below for support right now and I hope you can make it to my October retreat where we explore this topic more. The retreat will give you a taste of what it is like to attend our year-long Transformational Coaching Program that starts soon. And, if you end up joining our coaching program, the cost of the workshop will be deducted from the cost of the 12-class transformational program!


Transformation Tips of Anxiety to Wholeness!

  1. Exercise is one of the easiest methods to stop anxiety in its tracks. Using the analogy of the black paint/white paint show above, exercise expands your “white paint” so it can melt away the “black paint” of anxiety. However, it is important to  exercise with the mindful intent of feeling positive sensations in your body, so you ground, expand and get the endorphin high. The process results in a fast and effective formula!


  1. Discover the source of the anxiety. Usually the metaphorical lion that perpetuates anxiety is when your ego feels unsafe because someone is criticizing you, or you aren’t allowing yourself to be an imperfect, humble human. I have a “be kind to your human .com” bumper sticker in my office to help point out the importance of this precious skill. (So anyone reading this, next time you come to my healing center, I will gladly gift you this sticker so you too can spread the word and help others along the way.)


  1. Tap into the energy of righteous Anger, and feel it in your legs, pelvis and mid-body!  This creates a great energetic charge to mitigate the negative affects of anxiety. You see anger stimulates the fight part of the brain and switches off the fright or freeze part of the brain that anxiety triggers. It is like turning channels of the TV but in your brain. Try it! It is amazing how it can help you shift, especially if you can breath into the anger and transform it to power. But more on this skill-set of transforming anger to power in a subsequent article and/or come to my October 6-7 event to learn more! Click here for details and registration!


Sending love and blessings along the way!






