There is a hidden saboteur that may be holding you back!
This particular saboteur is very sneaky. It steels your power and makes you feel as if you are helping someone, yet really you are taking their power away. It creates an unhealthy form of love.
So what is it?
Co-dependency! This topic confuses even the most advanced practitioners and is the cause of so much harm. You see, codependency hides and acts as if it is the savior, yet it is really the reason why our loved ones have difficulty claiming the power to strongly walk their path in life. Check out the video and learn more!
I hope you enjoyed that video. Take some time today and explore what relationship changes might be needed so you move out of codependency. And, if you want to take this work to a deeper level, I am teaching a workshop this July 22-23 – Friday night only ($25) and Saturday. It teaches you 5 steps so you can strongly live from your spiritual wholeness and shift your nervous systems negative patterns! I will also provide experiential lessons for healing codependency and I will outline specific actions you can take to create secure adult attachment! Click Here to register and learn more!
If you can’t travel to the workshop, join me for a free webinar discussion on: (1) identifying hidden codependency patterns and (2) overcoming codependency to create healthy relationships! Click Here to Register for the Free Webinar! (If you can’t make the time of the webinar, still sign up so you get the replay!)
I look forward to connecting! Sending love and blessings your way,