If there was 1 skill that could change someone’s life for the better – it would be the one I outline below.
This profound skill might, on the surface, seem easy, yet in the past 20 years of teaching students and working with clients, I find that the inability to master this particular skill, becomes the major stumbling block to client’s ability to obtain success.
Can you guess what it is?
You see, when your brain’s emotional system (limbic) and negative self-talk launch into powerful pain, this one tip can bring you back to your center and wholeness. Check out the video below for more information.
And to help you create a magnificent 2016, come to my free webinar Wednesday, noon on the 23rd. (Although watching live is best, a replay is available for those that register at this link.) “5-Spiritual Laws So You Can Let the Universe Have Your Back”
Vital Mindfulness Tip To Create A Better Life! from Carolyn on Vimeo.
I hope this video helped you see how you are not your emotions or negative self-talk. Practice the exercise I outlined in the video and you will clearly feel the power of detachment, differentiation and individualization from the negative emotions and false self you are feeling.
This is because emotions are simply energetic constructs that you can transform so anger becomes power, depression to joy and anxiety to forward movement.
Once you learn how to feel emotions and life challenges from a differentiated and detached state of being, and engage them as energetic constructs, then you can transform them to wisdom, wholeness and positive creation.
Learn more about this transformation process at my free webinar on Wednesday. Come learn 5 magical universal laws to help you make the best of 2016 in this free webinar: “5 Spiritual Laws So You Can Let the Universe Have Your Back!” Click Here to Register!
Sending love and light to all of you, (view calendar of events below.)
Come Learn to Heal your Inner Bitch/Brat” So Love and Community Last and Stress Doesn’t Control You. (And the male equivalent) Discover the power of healing the inner “Bitch” that either under or 0ver reacts when stressed. February 19-20.
In honor of Valentines Day, I am offering this new and advanced workshop on healing your inner bully, bitch or brat. For some of you that will mean finding the healthy “bitch” to stand up for yourself and for others it will mean learning to transform over-reactivity. Click here for details and registration.
Call or email for more information on how to prevent trauma wounding in yourself and others and how to embody your brilliance and gifts, even more! Discount price this year only as price will increase significantly next year. Sign up soon as space is very limited. Class 1 begins soon so call now! 720-530-7621 Details at: http://mindenergybody.org/certification-coaching/