Transform Emotional Pain to Power!
A FREE Ebook!

Carolyn, great work putting everything in the same place and in the same document. I am using it both as a clinical resource and as a reminder of best practices. It is very inspirational and deep.Thank you! I am excited to learn more about your integrative trauma certification training!
Kristian EiffertMSW This 43-page ebook is geared toward mental health professionals, bodyworkers, energy healers, and other holistic practitioners who want to help their clients transform emotional pain to power, without further traumatizing their clients in the process.
Table of Contents:
- Benefits of Working All Three Mind, Vibrational Energy and Body (ME-B) Systems together!
- Historical Foundations Launch The Next Evolution!
- How to Achieve Greater Effectiveness
- Don’t Be Outdated in Your Trauma Skills
- The Big “Secret” – Life Doesn’t Have to Hurt So Much!
- What to Teach Your Clients So They Don’t Rewound
- Case Studies of Clients
- How to Stop Re-wounding!